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This site will be in constant progression. The texts appearing on this website were written by students from grade 10, from Pointe-Levy High School ( in Lévis, Quebec, Canada. English is their second language, French is their first.
Last year, we met a couple who are living a great adventure. Indeed, Jennifer Gosselin and Pierre Pépin
left in June 2014, with their dog Jasmine for a long and unique journey! For two years and a half, they will travel through the United States and Canada by canoe! They sold all their belongings and quit their jobs in order to live this extraordinary trip. See their website to get to know more and follow their fabulous trek ( All the topics from this webpage will be triggered by their trip, the NorAm Odyssey, people they meet, places they see and issues we believe are worth exploring.
Have a great reading! Please, be understanding and know those are my students' texts, all the content has not been verified and the edition will be ongoing.
Jordan Charest, Pals student, assistant editor
Guylaine Simard, English-as-a-second-language teacher
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