George Vancouver
By Camille Gosselin
The Vancouver’s Cities
The men once roamed the world searching for lands where they could make their power reign. In facts, this is the case of George Vancouver who gave his name to the city of Vancouver in British-Columbia and in Washington (U.S.A.) He also gave his name to the Mount Vancouver at the border line between Yukon and Alaska. But who is he really ? We know those cities but not the man who participated to their creation. Let’s see who is this important man called George Vancouver…
Who is he and how does it all started ?
Vancouver is a British sailor born in England in 1757 but he died in 1798 in
Petersham (Surrey). Mr. Vancouver was a naval officer in the Royal Navy.
He began his naval career when he was thirteen on the ship Resolution of
the Captain James Cook. When the Captain started his third trip, George
followed his as a midshipman and, in 1780, in the West Indie, he was
promoted to lieutenant.
The Vancouver Expedition
In April 1791, Vancouver commanded an expedition which the goal was to explore the Pacific region. That year, he visited Cape Town, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, China and the botanical samples. It's in April 1792 that he met the American Captain Robert Gray off the coast of Oregon. After that, Vancouver went to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between the Vancouver Island and the Washington state, on April 29 1792. There, Mr. George needed to do a survey of every inlet and outlet on the west coast of the mainland, all the way until he reached Alaska. This work has been done in uncharted waters and it was generally impractical and dangerous. But Vancouver was a resolute man and all of his work was gainful to him in any ways.
Further Explorations
Vancouver spent about ten years on warships before to be ask to do a cartography expedition in the American coast, from 1791 to 1794. He came back in United-Kingdom in 1795, when he decided to stop doing expeditions. Rather than sailing all around the world, George started to write the story of all the trips he did. It would have been an interesting recital but he never had the time to finish it because, on May 10 1798, he died at the age of 40 years old.