The Sasquatch
There is lots of mysteries around the world about some mythical creatures. Some are true some are not, but the Sasquatch is for sure one of them...Can we trust all these stories and mysteries ?
According to some historians, the Sasquatch mystery existed really long time ago. The origins of the name ‘’Bigfoot’’ comes from an amerindian leader, Chief Bigfoot, who was famous to hunt grizzly bears in the 19th century. But all of the hype around this creature all started with the british explorer David Thompson. He’s credited to have discovered Sasquatch footprints in 1811. Since then, many people claim to have taken pictures of the monster. Lots of theories came out from these pictures and stories. Some say the bigfoot is originated from an old extinct ape, and some say it might even be extraterrestrial.
First of all, he is really tall (2-3 meters) and he weights around 600 to 800 pounds. His foots are 17 inches: that is where he gets the name Bigfoot. Also, he is really strong, almost 10 times a human and very hairy (black,brown and grey hair). He can run 32 to 35 mph. He usually eats deer, rodents, fruits, blossoms, flowers and garbage. This creature has a lot of abilities. He has a good night vision, bad hearing and great smelling. He can also swim, jump and climb trees with ease. Finally, here are some of his habits: rock throwing, wood banging and yelling/screaming.
Despite the outrageous number of people reporting to have seen this creature, no real proofs can really legitimate their stories. Most of the scientists do not believe in the existence of the Sasquatch, because the probabilities of a prehistoric bipedal like descripted in the explorers stories to survive are weak. Also, the big lack of evidences confirms the theories of the scientists.
INFORMATIONS, REPORTS AND STORIES (not proven to be true!..)
-Gerald Crew found a large set of footprints in california, 1958. This story started a big wave in North America. But it turned out that it was only a hoax.
-Rick Dyer was in Atlanta on a highway in 2012 when he supposedly ‘’killed’’ the Bigfoot. He reports to have killed the creature with his hunting gun. He then gave the body to scientist to do tests on the body. It sounds really fake, but the story became viral around the USA.
-There is a TV show named “Finding Bigfoot” that started in 2011 on the animal planet channel. It consists of two mens who are seeking mountains and forests to try and catch some Bigfoot evidences. It is a popular show even though it sometimes look fake. It has over 90 episodes in 9 total seasons.
-There is a lot of names given to the bigfoot depending on where they are located in the world. Here are some exemple :
European Wildman’s (Europe)
The Batutu’s (Vietnam)
The Lailoken’s (Scotland)
The Alma’s (Mongolia)
The Chuchunaa (Sibera)
“The mysterious is always attractive, people will always follow a vail…”
-Bede Jarrett