A wonder of the nature
Peace River
By Isabelle Lefebvre
Peace River is 1923 kilometers long. she between the Lac Williston at
West and the “Rivière des Esclave" at East. She is in Alberta and
The Peace River region has been the last to be colonised by the pioneers. Over there, there was so many resources like river, oil, carbon and forest. It takes so much time because Peace River is circle with swamp and spinet forest. All the “voyageurs” were thinking that it will just be spinet forest, those who continue been dazzle by this amazing, splendor part of the world. Bison and bear were roaming in the bushes. you could only see valley and hills miles ahead. Some people compare Peace River to the “Terre Promise” because it’s a paradise enclose by a big forest. This country has principally been discover by Mackenzie who was coming from East. After others have come for the trap and the commerce all along the river.
Why it had taken so long to colonised?
A part of land (200 miles long) that was going East to West was separated the Peace River prairies from those close to Edmonton.
Why it was named Peace River?
This country and river was named like this because two Amerindian clan were fighting for this plot of land to practice hunt. The two group make a treaty to officialise the peace they called it Unchagah (peace river) and that’s how it became Peace river.
The climate
Peace River have a continental climate, with a low year-round precipitation. It’s a dry climate that meens that the level of humidity is low so the summer heat and the winter cold feel less severe. Due to the Rocky Mountains the temperature in the Peace River valley is up to 5℃ warmer that in the prairie land around. There is 2060 hour of sunshine every year.
The hydroelectric resources
This river have two hydroelectric dams operates by BC Hydro: the W.A.C. Bennett Dam and the Peace Canyon Dam.
Isabelle Lefebvre