Types of salmons:
-Chinook: max 150cm / 61kg / 9years
-Chum: max 100cm / 16kg / 7years
-Coho: max 110cm / 15kg / 5years
-Masu: max 80cm / 10kg / 3year
-Pink: max 75cm / 7kg / 3years
-Sockeye: max 84cm / 8kg / 8years
In British Colombia, where Pierre and Jennifer went during the NorAm Odyssey. We can find many specials and important pacific salmons. In this text below we are going to describe many aspects about them.
The pink salmons are the most numerous type of salmons but they are also the smallest. Because of his size he isn’t really fished a lot so they just reproduce themselves.
On the other side, the chinook salmon also called Tyee which means king. Not surprising knowing they can reach up to 130 pounds (61 kg). Living in larger rivers they are frequently fished by sport fishers. Their size makes them beautiful catches.
It is impressive to see all what you can do with a pacific salmon starting with the meat. It is really healthy because it contains omega-3, vitamins, proteins, reduces cholesterol and is a good source of energy. The texture as a delicious taste raw or cooked and many recipes can be found on the net.
What you may not know is that salmons leather can use for jewelleries, Iphone cases, belts, wallets and even for artwork! Available in many differents colours, this strong and thick material is five time stronger than cow leather. Even if the process between fishing the salmon and having a beautiful Iphone 6 case in hands can be long (from 30 to 45 days) it is worth it because the popularity is always increasing and this part of why this kind of fish is in danger. This is why there is a foundation that has been created for them.
The foundation:
This foundation has been created in 1987. It is an independent, non-governmental and charitable organisation. The foundation is dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild pacific salmons and their natural habitat in BC and Yukon territory. The building where you find the administration of the foundation is in BC Vancouver, it is managed by an expert team that works in marine biology. In the staff, we find biologist, scientist and person who does finances and organises all the events and conferences.
The organisation has many missions, objectives and ways to see the pacific salmons. Their principal goal is really to provide restoration of the natural ecosystem. They want to raise money to make science, reserches to understand the factors that limits the abundance of the salmons.
The briant foundation does specials project to bring the foundation in the heart of Vancouver! They really want to sensibilize people to the organisation. For example: by organising shows and activities with kids. They are doing science reserches to help the fishes to have the best conditions for living by doing water test. They can make sure that the salmons has an healthy habitats to live.
In conclusion, we see that pacific salmons are a beautiful and various type of fish that is useful in a lot of aspects in our lives but we have to be careful though not to abuse because they are going to be in danger! Keep that in mind because you are the one and only that can make a difference!
sources: www.psf.ca / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/salmons.as.food.com / http://.smithsonian.com / http://pacificwild.org/take-action/campaigns/protect-wald-salmons / http://thefishleather.co/what-is-fish-leather/
Pacific salmons